ACT - Association for Community Training
ACT stands for Association for Community Training
Here you will find, what does ACT stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Association for Community Training? Association for Community Training can be abbreviated as ACT What does ACT stand for? ACT stands for Association for Community Training. What does Association for Community Training mean?Association for Community Training is an expansion of ACT
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Alternative definitions of ACT
- American Conservatory Theater
- Waco, Texas USA
- Automated Confirmation Transaction Service
- Accurate Complete And Timely
- Australian Capital Territory
- Australian Capital Territory
- American College Test
- American College Testing
View 304 other definitions of ACT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ACT Association for Conservation and Tourism
- AHED Association for Health and Education Development
- AHD Association for Human Development
- AHEAD Association for Human, Ecological and Agricultural Development
- AHD Association for Humanitarian Development
- ANAND Association for Needy And Neighbouring Downtrodden
- AFPSD Association For Promotion Sustainable Development
- ASD Association for promotion Sustainable Development
- APEC-Nepal Association for Protection of Environment and Culture
- AFPOLAN Association For Protection Of Life And Nature
- ARBAN Association for Realization of Basic Needs
- ARP Association for Rights and Peace
- ARCEC Association for Rivers and Coastal-Ecosystems Conservation